Excess Leave Program (ELP) for Law School

Regular Air Force: Active Duty

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The Excess Leave Program (ELP) provides active duty Department of the Air Force officers another avenue to attend law school. Through the ELP, officers are responsible for all application expenses, tuition, and fees, and they do not receive pay or allowances. However, officers participating in the ELP continue to accrue time for promotion and retirement purposes and remain eligible for other active duty benefits (i.e. medical). Enlisted members are not eligible for the ELP. The active duty service commitment (ADSC) for the ELP is four years.

  • United States citizenship (birth or naturalization)
  • Active duty Department of the Air Force officers and U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) Cadets
  • Officer applicants must be in the grade of O-3 or below, with less than three years’ time in grade as an O-3
  • Graduate of a regionally accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree
  • Obtain a conditional release though the Air Force Personnel Center from your career field after selection to the ELP
  • Apply to an American Bar Association-approved law school (includes previously taking the LSAT to apply to law school). Admission to an ABA-approved law school is ultimately required, but is not a prerequisite to applying
  • Currently serving on active duty for at least two, but not more than 10 years, including enlisted time (if any), by the time law school begins
Benefit Highlights

Service members in a classroom

The ELP provides active duty Department of the Air Force officers and U.S. Air Force Academy cadets an opportunity to apply to attend law school and become judge advocates.


Applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States (birth or naturalization)
  • Be an active duty Department of the Air Force officer or U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) Cadet
  • If an officer applicant, must be in the grade of O-3 or below, with less than three years’ time in grade as an O-3
  • Graduate from a regionally accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree
  • Obtain a conditional release though the Air Force Personnel Center from your career field should you be selected for the ELP
  • Apply to an American Bar Association-approved law school (includes previously taking the LSAT to apply to law school). Admission to an ABA-approved law school is ultimately required, but is not a prerequisite to applying
  • Serve on active duty for at least two, but not more than 10 years, including enlisted time (if any), by the time law school begins

Application Procedures:

Service members can apply on-line at: https://www.airforce.com/careers/law-and-order/judge-advocate-officer-jag-attorney You must upload the following items when applying:

  • Full-length color photograph in service dress

  • Conditional release letter from AFPC Functional Manager (PDF)

  • Motivation statement (PDF)

  • Résumé (PDF)

  • Official LSAT Report

  • List of applications to law schools
  • DD 214

  • Officer SURF and Training Reports

  • Officer Performance Reports / Officer Performance Briefs (PDF)

  • Undergraduate / Graduate transcripts (PDF, unofficial copies are acceptable)

  • Letters of Recommendation (up to 5, PDF)

  • Writing sample (10 pages or less, PDF)

  • AF ROTC Field Training Report (if applicable)

Letters of recommendation should be written by someone who can attest to the applicant’s work ethic, duty performance, and leadership potential. Address all letters to “Selection Board Members.” The online application allows the applicant to select the Air Force Base where they would like to have their Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) interview. When the online application is submitted, the SJA or a representative from the legal office will contact the applicant to schedule an interview. 

Legal Internships:

During the first two years of the program, officers must participate in legal internships during summer breaks. Internships must begin within two calendar days of the officer’s last examination or class and may not end earlier than two calendar days before the start of fall classes. Contact Air Force Institute of Technology and The Professional Development Directorate (AF/JAX) with the beginning and end dates of your summer break along with the names of the closest Air Force Bases. AF/JAX will make internship assignments.

Winter internships are available for Service members living in the local area of an Air Force Installation. There is a minimum work requirement of 10 duty days, and leave is not authorized.

While performing internships, ELP students are returned to pay status and will accumulate ordinary leave.

Transferring from ELP to Funded Legal Education Program

Officers selected for the ELP may later apply to the Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP) provided they meet FLEP eligibility and tuition requirements. USAFA Excess Leave Program participants are not eligible. The minimum Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC) for individuals who start participation in the ELP and then later complete their legal training in the FLEP is five years (e.g., two years as ELP and one year as FLEP = five years ADSC; one year as ELP and two years as FLEP = five years and four months ADSC).

Upon Graduation:

Upon completion of law school, the individual officer is responsible for the fees and expenses of bar review courses and bar examinations.

An officer’s excess leave status will automatically terminate two calendar days after completion of the bar examination or graduation from law school, whichever is later.

Officers must obtain a legal license as soon as possible and take the first scheduled bar examination following graduation from law school.

Active Duty Service Commitment (ADSC): Participation in the ELP results in a four-year ADSC if the program is completed. If the program is not completed, participants will have an ADSC of one month for each month of participation.

Additional Information
Document Review Date: 20 July 2023