Transferring to Space Force

Air Force Reserve: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet

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The U.S. Space Force (USSF) is the newest branch of the Armed Forces, established on December 20, 2019, with enactment of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act. The USSF is a military service that organizes, trains, and equips service members in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint force. USSF responsibilities include developing military space professionals, acquiring military space systems, maturing the military doctrine for space power, and organizing space forces to present to our Combatant Commands.  

Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) was redesignated as the USSF as an initial step in establishing the USSF. Military members that were assigned to AFSPC have now been assigned to the USSF. The Department of Defense (DoD) vision is to consolidate space missions from across the Armed Forces into the USSF, as appropriate and consistent with law. 

The Interservice Transfer program allows qualified individuals from other Uniformed Services to apply for transfer to active duty in the United States Space Force.


Recent enactment of the Space Force Personnel Management Act (PMA) has afforded the United States Space Force (USSF) the opportunity to create a single service in which members are not identified as Active Duty or Reservists, but rather as Guardians who serve in full-time or part-time roles.Space Force logo

Air Force Reserve professionals serving in the following Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) are eligible to apply for voluntary transfer to the Space Force.

  • Officers: 13S, 14N, 17X, 6X
  • Enlisted: 1C6X1, 1N0, 1N1, 1N2, 1N3, 1N4, 1N8, 1D7X1, 1D7X2, 1D7X3

Applicants must meet eligibility criteria in DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions.

  • Must be able to qualify for an active duty (complete 20 years of total active federal military service) or a reserve retirement (complete 20 years of satisfactory service) by age 62
  • Must be medically qualified for active duty (retention standards apply)
    • NOTE: Airmen on medical hold may apply; however, if selected, transfer will be delayed until medical hold is favorably resolved
  • Possess a Top Secret/SCI security clearance.
    • EXCEPTION: 6X AFSCs must possess Secret security clearance
  • Officers must not have separated from active duty based on non-selection for promotion.
    • EXCEPTION: Does not apply to officers subsequently promoted in the AFR
  • Must be able to complete transfer ADSC prior to active duty Mandatory Retirement Date (MRD) or active duty High Year Tenure (HYT) date
  • Must have satisfactory participation within the last year (satisfactory participation is defined as a minimum of 50 points per last retirement/retention (R/R) year)
  • Airmen must currently have retainability through 28 Feb 2025
  • Airmen with an approved retirement/separation date may app
Benefit Highlights

Transfer Board Submission Deadlines

There will be three transfer boards (September 2024, November 2024, and January 2025). Applications must be submitted by the close of the application window of the respective transfer board for consideration by that board. Applications received after the 1700 EDT deadline for the September 2024 Transfer Board will be considered by the November 2024 Transfer Board. Applications received after the 1700 EDT deadline for the November 2024 Transfer Board will be considered by the January 2025 Transfer Board. Applications submitted after 1700 EDT 30 November 2024 (the last day of final application window) will not be considered. Airmen who are not selected by a transfer board will have their application automatically considered by the next transfer board with the last consideration being the January 2025 Transfer Board. Airmen who do not wish to be considered by subsequent transfer boards must take action to withdraw their application. Colonels and Colonel selects desiring to compete for command opportunities in Summer 2025 must submit transfer applications in time to meet the September 2024 Transfer Board. Colonels that apply for transfer from AFR to USSF during subsequent transfer boards will still be considered for transfer but will not be considered for command in Summer 2025. Additionally, Colonels that meet the September 2024 Transfer Board will have the most diverse assignment opportunities. The Senior and Chief talent management board will convene no later than January 2025. All transfer applications for Seniors and Chiefs received by the November 2024 Transfer Board will have the most diverse assignment opportunities.

Application Process

Requirements: A complete application requires the following documents. Each document must be submitted as separate PDF files (not in portfolio format). NOTE: All documents listed are required to be submitted except for a resume as a resume is optional. The transfer board will not consider additional documents.

Endorsement Letter

  1. Letter must include applicant’s name, rank, and the following statements: “I certify that as of this date unit records contain no derogatory or adverse personnel information on this applicant, to include an Unfavorable Information File (UIF), nor is this applicant currently under investigation for misconduct. I confirm applicant meets all readiness requirements, demonstrates exemplary conduct, and possesses a professional attitude.”
    1. Active Guard Reserve (AGRs) and Traditional Reservists (TRs) require an endorsement letter from the first O6 in their chain of command
    2. Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs) require an endorsement letter from the first O6 in their chain of command in coordination with the Readiness and Integration Organization (RIO) Detachment Commander
  2. DD Form 368
    1. Airman completes block 1 and 3 of DD Form 368 (blocks 2 and 4 are left blank)
    2. First O6 in chain of command completes block 5 and 6 of DD Form 368 (date in block 5a is left blank)
  3. Five most recent performance reports (OPRs/EPRs) all scanned into a single PDF file (not in portfolio format)
  4. Career Data Brief (CDB)
  5. Current Point Credit Accounting and Reporting System (PCARS) Summary
  6. Current Fitness Tracker Report from myFitness
  7. Security Verification letter from Unit Security Manager, indicating clearance type and expiration date
  8. Resume (optional) – no more than two pages; do not include photo (Tongue and Quill format, include a brief summary of all military service and civilian employment)

Application Submission

Airmen will submit application documents and complete an online application IAW the following instructions:

  1. Scan application documents into separate PDF files (not in portfolio format). Name each PDF file with the following naming convention:
    1. LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_Name of Document
    2. Example: DOE_JOHN_Endorsement Letter DOE_JOHN_EPRs
  2. Access MyVector link at
  3. In the Search box under Application Catalog, type “PMA Application”; PMA Application will appear under the Search box; then click on “PMA Application”
  4. A description of the PMA application will appear and then click on “Apply”
  5. Fill out the online information
  6. After completing the online information, upload your separate PDF files; after uploading each document, “1 document uploaded successfully” message will appear
  7. Click on the “Submit Form” button
  8. Airmen will receive a MyVector automated message confirming submission

Post Board Actions

Airmen selected for transfer to full-time active duty positions will be provided instructions for executing the transfer, to include instructions for submitting the following documents:

  • Current medical documents DD Form 3024, Annual Periodic Health Assessment and AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification Status
  • Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) and Family Member Overseas Travel Prescreen Worksheet
  • Completed DD Form 1172-2
  • If applicable, projected promotion information (e.g. selection board ID; projected promotion date, etc.)

Prior to issuing Transfer Orders all the following must be completed:

  • Medically qualified for active duty
  • AF/RE approved release
  • AGRs will be required to curtail their current Reserve assignment; curtailment date will be one day prior to transfer date to avoid a break in-service
  • Matched to Space Force assignment
  • Approved Space Force appointment scroll (officers only)
    • Scroll appointment approval timeline is ~ four to six months from the date the appointment scroll is submitted
  • For Airmen being assigned overseas with dependents, dependents must be approved for overseas travel
  • For Airmen with dependents enrolled in EFMP, dependents must be approved for travel by gaining Space Force duty location

Point of Contact

For additional information on transfer to full-time active duty positions please contact the PMA Team at and/or the Personnel Management Act (PMA) channel in the Guardian Forum.

Additional Information
Document Review Date: 19 June 2024